The Mewat Academy of Health Science
About Us
Mewat Medical Educational & Human Welfare Society was formed under Govt. of India Act XXI of 1860 and amended by Punjab Act 1957.The Society was established on 10th January 1996 & thereafter was Regd. Under societies registration Act XXI of 1860 on 29th November 1998 at Chandigarh by the Register of firms & societies, Haryana – Chandigarh, India Vide Registration No. 1244.

The society has Permanent Account Number vide “AAATM6366M

The society registered under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA) 1976 on Dt. 13th Sept. 2004 and the donations to the Society is eligible for tax relief U/s 80 G of the Income Tax Act 1961.

The Society is also a member of ‘CREDIBILITY ALLIANCE’.

Prof. A.M. Khusro, the Chairman of 11th Finance Commission (Govt. of India). Ambassador of India in Germany, member-planning commission, chancellor/vice-chancellor AMU. was the President of this Organization from 18th Jan 2001 to till his death.

The organization organizes eye camps as well as health camps in the surrounding area of Mewat and at the base hospital named ‘CITY HOSPITAL & EYE CARE CENTRE’ also. The Society stipulates that a minimum of 70% of its services will be rendered free of cost to the economically under privileged.
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